
  • 造句1:我蹲在水流边,汩汩清流延续着神瀑脉搏,捧一口清爽怡人,我灌满了水壶,却不忍饮,只为带回作念
    英  文:I crouched beside the water, the gurgling current continued the pulse of Shen Waterfall, holding a refreshing and pleasant mouthful, I filled the kettle, but could not bear to drink, just to bring back memories.
  • 造句2:夕阳西下,路两旁的树与草却无心受接日影,之间只有我们长长一串脚印,留此作念
    英  文:In the sunset, the trees and grass on both sides of the road accepts the shadows unintentionally, and only we have a long string of footprints between them.



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