
  • 造句1:进了终南山地界,凌牧云顿时感觉到治安为之一靖,虽然谈不上路不拾遗夜不闭户,作奸犯科之事也基本见不着了。
    英  文:Ling Muyun felt that public order was one of the most important things when he entered the Jungnan Mountains. Although he could not say that he would not be able to pick up and leave his house at night, he could hardly see the crime of adultery.
  • 造句2:这天夜里乌云蔽月,夜黑风高,适合作奸犯科。
    英  文:Dark clouds cover the moon and dark wind is high that night. It's suitable for the crime of adultery.
  • 造句3:这些作奸犯科的违法分子,都应该绳之以法。
    英  文:These illegal criminals who commit adultery should be brought to justice.
  • 造句4:若有作奸犯科及为忠善者,宜付有司论其刑赏,以昭陛下平明之理,不宜偏私,使内外异法也。
    英  文:If there are those who commit adultery and are loyal to the good, it is advisable to pay the punishment and reward of the minister. It is not advisable for them to be partial to others and make the internal and external laws different.
  • 造句5:若有作奸犯科及为忠善者,宜付有司论其刑赏。
    英  文:If a person commits adultery and is loyal to the good, he or she should be rewarded with punishment.
  • 造句6:比如不良的帮派中,组织成员非常讲究义气,他们可以为兄弟作奸犯科,所谓义无反顾。
    英  文:For example, in bad gangs, members of the organization are very conscientious about morality. They can commit adultery for their brothers. The so-called righteousness without retrospect.
  • 造句7:有时候,塞翁失马,焉知祸福。也许有一天,我们会感谢这两个正在受到指控的作奸犯科者。
    英  文:Sometimes fortune knows nothing. Perhaps one day, we will be grateful to the two accused criminals who are being accused.
  • 造句8:他是个绘画天才,但他也是一位非常惹眼的同性恋者和自然的神圣秩序的崇拜者,这俩点使他永远背上冒犯上帝和作奸犯科的罪名。
    英  文:He is a painting genius, but he is also a very eye-catching homosexual and worshiper of the divine order of nature, which makes him perpetually charged with offending God and committing adultery.
  • 造句9:今儿子既在你处,必然是你作奸犯科,诱藏了我娘子,有甚么得解说?
    英  文:Now that my son is with you, you must be a traitor who lures my wife. What is the explanation?



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